Managerial Internal Control System (MICS)

Bucharest 24 April 2017 - 25 April 2017

Trainer: Cosmin Șerbănescu / Marcel Ghiță


Managerial Internal Control System program, according to OSGG no. 400/2015 approving the Managerial Internal Control Code, amended and completed is designed for key persons within public institutions.

Managerial internal control system according to OSGG no. 400/2015 includes 16 applicable standards in this domain and presumes 4 major implementation areas, the most important are referring to objectives, risk management and MICS indicators.

Target group

The program is addressed to:

  • Managers and heads of departments;
  • Members of the Monitoring Committee created for coordinating MICS;
  • Risk management team members;
  • The monitoring committees’ secretaries
  • Those responsible for risk management at departments, internal services, internal auditors’ level;
  • Staff involved in MICS development and implementation.

Course objectives

  • obtaining technical knowledge and specific concepts to the identification of potential exposure of the institution
  • obtaining skills for assessing and evaluating exposures / risks to which the institution is subject
  • obtaining the necessary skills to implement processes/activities with the purpose of mitigating risks effects
  • developing professional skills required to implement national regulations in this domain


1. Prezentarea cadrului legislativ în vigoare aplicabil SCIM (OSGG nr. 400/2015, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare)

2. Controlul intern în managementul unei instituţii – rol, responsabilităţi

3. Structuri organizaţionale de implementare a SCIM (CM, EGR)

4. Programul de implementare a SCIM

4.1 Identificare riscuri şi acţiuni de remediere

4.2 Elaborare registrul riscurilor la nivel departamental şi instituţional

5. Stabilirea obiectivelor

5.1 Definirea obiectivelor generale şi specifice

5.2 Analiza obiectivelor

5.3 Stabilirea indicatorilor de performanță (financiari şi non-financiari)

6. Procesul de management al riscului

6.1 Noţiuni generale

6.2 Toleranţă la risc

6.3 Identificarea riscurilor

6.4 Analiza riscurilor

6.5 Controlul riscurilor

7.Sfaturi practice pentru implementarea adecvată a standardului nr. 8  din OSGG 400/2015 - Managementul Riscului


Mr. Cosmin Șerbănescu, the president of the National Institute of Internal Control, started his activity within a well-known audit and consultancy company. To complete his practical activity he presented audit and internal control for banking domain courses and he is a trainer within the National Institute of Internal Control. Mr. Șerbănescu is an Internal Control certified trainer, a certified examiner for Internal Control Systems as well as a certified professional in Internal Control.

The session will be held by Mr. Marcel Ghita, a trainer with significant experience in implementing and evaluating internal control management system as Advisor Coordinator - DCIMRI, SGG. Professor at the Faculty of Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development (Veterinary Medicine), he presents courses about Internal Audit and Corporate Governance. Associated teacher within ASE University, CIG faculty (courses like Fiscal Internal Control and Financial Audit), he was general manager within UCAAPI, Public Finance Ministry between 2010 and 2014.

Duration / Period

The program has a duration of 12 hours and will take place on the 24th and 25th of April 2017, between 09:30 and 16:30.


The necessary investment for registering is of 630 lei + VAT/participant.


At the above fee a discount of 5% is granted for the registration of at least 2 persons from the same organization.

Apply for course
Helpful information to complete the form.

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