
The mission  of Institute of Financial Studies (IFS) - studying the financial processes and mechanisms in order to identify the future needs and facilitate the training, the specialization and professional evaluation of the people working in the non-banking financial system and inside ASF, according to ASF's decisions and European standards. 

ISF will support the development of organizations, institutions and people who work or intend to work in the field of insurance, private pensions and financial investments, of the related activities or similar to the ones above and also in the field of risk management, human resources management and organizational management. 

Among the institute's main guidelines there are the following:

  • ensuring the preparation, development and professional specialization for the employees of the financial services field
  • chartering professional certificates
  • developing occupational standards and evaluation systems based on skills
  • effectuating studies and research in the non-banking financial field
  • editing professional issues
  • developing proposals for technical norms and professional criteria applicable in the non-banking financial field as well as
  • organising activities for financial education and information, nationally and internationally. 

The vision of Institute of Financial Studies are to become centre of excellence in the market profile study and financial education programs that ensures skills and knowledge for the employees of the financial institutions and ASF and for raising the financial educational level for the users of non-banking services and products.

The values of ISF are: professionalism, reputation, honesty, ethics, endorsing local and European regulations, public and financial market's interest, dedication, will and determination. 

In the long term, IFS aims to align its activity with European requirements, to shift from accumulation of knowledge to the accumulation and assessment of skills, to provide professional training programs for the non-banking financial domain adjusted to the new organizational processes, determined by the legislative requirements, the market and European framework changes, contributing to the maturation of the non-banking financial market from Romania and for creating the  ability of the market  to face the competition triggered by the globalization and economic crises.


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