Issuer on the capital market - survival guide

Bucharest 23 January 2019

Trainer: Septimiu Stoica


The course aims to acquaint representatives of eligible issuers regarding their future status of companies listed on the stock market and the main obligations incumbent upon as such. The premise from which we start is the first measure to tame a future that worries you is to understand exactly what is looming.
The thesis intended to be the be demonstrated is that, on the one hand, listing advantages are substantial, and that, on the other hand, the price is rational and - eventually - even useful to issuers.

Will be analyzed:
- Transparency obligations
- Prevent market abuse
- Corporate Governance
- Obligations and Investor Relations
- Reporting to business environment
- Involvement in the context of socio – economic of the operating environment

Target group

The course addresses to the following categories of specialists:

  • Capital market issuers
  • Unlisted companies, which take into consideration the listing
  • Unlisted companies that need financing

Course objectives

The course has the following objectives:

  • Outlining the advantages of belonging to the capital market
  • Awareness of the issuer status on the capital market and the obligations incumbent on it
  • Identifying methods and techniques for optimal response to the requirements of belonging to the capital market
  • Taming and overcoming reluctance to stay or to enter on the capital market
  • Harmonizing the interests of participants in the capital market


The course covers the debate of the following topics:

  1. Use of modern capital markets and corporate development
  2. Rationality listing on the capital market
  3. "Price" of listing on the capital market
  4. Reporting obligations
  5. Preventing market abuse at the level of the issuer
  6. Corporate governance for issuers
  7. Relationship with investors
  8. Social Responsibility
  9. Adapting to the capital market, exploiting its opportunities


Septimiu Stoica, lawyer, Ph.D. in Economics.

Experince in the non-banking financial market:
- Chairman of the Bucharest Stock Exchange, chairman of RASDAQ, chairman of the Romanian Commodities Exchange
- President of the Institute of Corporate Governance of the BSE
- Financial investment services agent (broker), chairman / (general) director of several companies of financial investments services)
- Consultant
- Professor / lecturer of several courses and training programs
- lawyer; referee; mediator; negotiator / conciliator, broker, participant to set up and manage the principal markets and support institutions for the capital market in Romania.

Duration / Period

The program will take place in one day, from 09:00 to 14:00.


The necessary investment for this program is 350 lei + VAT.



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